Compassionate Letter to One-Self

  • All of us have feelings of inadequacy.
  • Identify something about yourself that causes you to feel shame, guilt, to feel insecure, or not “good enough,” preferably something that is a source of privilege or disadvantage.
  • Now think about an imaginary friend who is unconditionally loving, accepting, kind and compassionate.
  • Write a letter to yourself from the perspective of this imaginary friend – focusing on the perceived inadequacy you tend to judge yourself for, from the perspective of unlimited compassion.
  • After writing the letter, put it down for a little while.
  • Then come back and read it again, and let the words sink in.
  • Feel the compassion as it pours into you.
  • See the resources in this web site:

This concludes the workshop, thank you for your participation. Please leave any comments you may have in the feedback section under the Work Shop exercises drop-down menu or click here.

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